The increasing popularity of the “business ecosystem” concept in (business) strategy reflects that it is seen as one way to cope with increasingly dynamic and complex business environments. Nevertheless, the lack of a convincing model of a business ecosystem has led to the development of software which only give organisations a partial aid whilst neglecting their need for adaptation. Research in Multi-Agent Systems has proved to be suitable for modelling interactions among disparate sort of entities such as organisations. On the other hand, natural ecosystems continue to adapt themselves to changes in their dynamic and complex environments. In this paper, we present the Dynamic Agent-based Ecosystem Model. It combines ideas from natural ecosystems and multi-agent systems for business interactions.
2010年2月1日 星期一
80 年代起,探究非線性動態系統的混沌、複雜……等理論的出現,凸顯了線性思考不完備的事實,提供了另一種的觀點。所謂的複雜科學(Complexity Science)或者是複雜調適系統觀點(Complex Adaptive System perspective)是發源於數學、物理學與生物學等領域的研究(Schroeder, 1991),涵蓋了許多不同的學門與典範,包含了複雜理論(Complexity Theory)、耗散結構(Dissipative Structure)理論、混沌理論(Chaos Theory)、碎形理論(Fractal Theory)…等等。
80 年代起,探究非線性動態系統的混沌、複雜……等理論的出現,凸顯了線性思考不完備的事實,提供了另一種的觀點。所謂的複雜科學(Complexity Science)或者是複雜調適系統觀點(Complex Adaptive System perspective)是發源於數學、物理學與生物學等領域的研究(Schroeder, 1991),涵蓋了許多不同的學門與典範,包含了複雜理論(Complexity Theory)、耗散結構(Dissipative Structure)理論、混沌理論(Chaos Theory)、碎形理論(Fractal Theory)…等等。
共演化與複雜適應(complex adaptive system)
商業生態的覆亡 An Ecosystem Crashes
商業生態的覆亡 An Ecosystem Crashes
In 2006, the Boston Globe Magazine covered a dramatic story of ecosystem failure. The tale focused on a Rhode Island bookkeeper who embezzled 9 million dollars over the course of six years. Before she was discovered, a host of businesses popped up to support her extravagant spending. A horse trainer, thrilled by her new client旧 appetite for all things equestrian, committed herself full-time to the embezzler旧 projects. A horticulturist turned away new customers for three months in order to create the floral design for a lavish wedding planned by the embezzler.
In 2006, the Boston Globe Magazine covered a dramatic story of ecosystem failure. The tale focused on a Rhode Island bookkeeper who embezzled 9 million dollars over the course of six years. Before she was discovered, a host of businesses popped up to support her extravagant spending. A horse trainer, thrilled by her new client旧 appetite for all things equestrian, committed herself full-time to the embezzler旧 projects. A horticulturist turned away new customers for three months in order to create the floral design for a lavish wedding planned by the embezzler.
英代爾的投資範圍涉及世界各地多達425家高科技或與之相關的公司,是個實力雄厚的風險投資商,其通過龐大的投資來形成企業協作網路從而實現互聯網戰略 的方法令人耳目一新。英代爾公司為了完成從晶片生產商到互聯網建築模組生產商的轉變,僅在2000年,英代爾就收購了12家公司和企業,收購總額約60億 美元。
Gupta and Goyal (1989) asserted that organization theory can be separated into its environmental creative aspects and environmental adaptive aspects to explore the proactive relationships between environmental uncertainty and organizational strategy.
The creative aspect focuses on the extent to which the core capacity has been actively changed in response to the environmental uncertainty in order to create the best state of business operation. In contrast, the adaptive aspect focuses on the extent to which a manufacturer adopts a passive strategy to respond to changes in environmental factors.
Most of past researches discussed the latter adaptive aspect, a one-way causal relationship from environmental uncertainty to the enhancement of innovation capability.
A TCI Book Review
The Death of Competition
- Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems
James F. Moore
HarperBusiness, New York, 1996
The Death of Competition
- Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems
James F. Moore
HarperBusiness, New York, 1996
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