2010年1月31日 星期日


未來的競爭不是企業和企業之間的競爭,而是商務生態系統和商務生態系統之間的競爭。企業所處的環境是變化的,沒有人能夠完全預知未來,一切取決於企業的 智慧和應對策略。但是有一點是明確的,哪個企業勝出取決於哪一方的系統更有競爭力更有價值,雙方都要慎重考慮自己的生態體系是否更有競爭力。
商業生態系這一概念首先是由James F.Moore在他的著作《The death of CompetitionLeadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystem》中提出的。這個概念的靈感來自於自然界的生態系統。
生態環境學認為,生物之間存在一種相互依存、相互制約、互為環境的關係,並 且生物的多樣性和共生性是生物界生存和發展的普遍要求和規律。眾多的生物以自己的生存和發展,為其他生物提供共生的環境和條件,同存于一種共生體之中,共同進化和優化。

James F.Moore指出商務生態系統正是類比了自然生態系統中的以上這些機制。眾多的商家、企業作為有生命的經濟實體,同時還作為經濟細胞,組成和推動著整個國民經濟乃至整個國際經濟的發展,形成一種功能協調、優勢互補、和諧增長的共生共榮的生態環境。

Business ecosystem is a relatively new concept which has been introduced by Moore [1], who describes business ecosystems as an organization group crossing many industries working cooperatively and competitively in production, customer service and innovation. In this paper the definition used for a business ecosystem is the following: Business ecosystem is “a dynamic structure which consists of an interconnected population of organizations. -- Business ecosystem develops through self-organization, emergence and coevolution, which help it to acquire adaptability.
In a business ecosystem there is both competition and cooperation present simultaneously” [2]. Thus business ecosystem is a concept which emphasizes interdependence, self-organization, emergence, and co-evolution of agents.  If we consider a population of organizations containing knowledge-intensive service organizations, the aspects that are emphasized in those organization populations are present also in the concept of business ecosystem. The interconnectedness between different actors and the presence of co-opetition due to that interconnectedness are central concepts in both of them.
The concept of business ecosystem also provides us with a link to complexity science. A business ecosystem contains various organizations, which together build up a complex evolving system (CES). Complex evolving system is a concept of complexity science, presented by Mitleton-Kelly [3]. Complex evolving systems are systems consisting of interconnected and evolving agents, which are in this case considered to be organizations. The development of agent-based modeling is deeply intertwined with complexity science: the study of complex systems needs agent-based modeling, and the use of agent-based modeling and design is understandable through complexity science.


[1] J. F. Moore, “Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition,” Harward Business Review. 1993, vol. 71 (3), pp. 75-83.
[2] M. Peltoniemi and E. Vuori, ”Business Ecosystem as the New Approach to Complex Adaptive Business Environments,” in Proc. 4th Annu. Conference eBRF (eBusiness Research Forum), Tampere, 2004, pp. 267-281.
[3] E. Mitleton-Kelly, Complex Systems and Evolutionary Perspectives on Organisations: the Application of Complexity Theory to Organisations. Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2003.

